Another timely arrival, this Red-shouldered Hawk perched along the roadside at the bottom of our fire route. The species nests in the area and we expect to see its courtship flights in the coming weeks. The warmer weather also brought an influx of Mourning Doves.
Here we have Evening Grosbeaks, Pine Grosbeaks and a Hairy Woodpecker. It isn't common for us to see both grosbeaks on the feeder at the same time. Typically, the Evening Grosbeaks displace the Pine Grosbeaks. After a prolonged, very heavy blizzard, these birds seemed more intent upon feeding.
Martha snapped this shot while I shoveled snow. Click on the image to see it at its best.
Stony Lake lies on the Trent-Severn Waterway, in Peterborough County, Ontario, Canada. Of the many possible ways to celebrate the changing seasons, we've chosen to chronicle the birds we see around, and often from the windows of, our home on Stony Lake. Click on images to enlarge.